Thirty years of existence in a sector such as ours that is constantly and rapidly evolving is never an easy achievement. Alano & Sons is a company that was fashioned by a birth of an idea that was fueled by passion, integrity, dedication and hard work. It is a company whose humble beginnings became the very foundation of its towering success in the lending industry and a company whose primary vision is to cater to the needs of the many, to serve and help people in finding means that will connect them towards reaching their goals.
Facing the challenges together kept the performance of Alano and Sons steady. It stands today with strength and pride because of the collaboration of the many. It is what drives us in all the things we do, our shareholders, the customers, the employees and the community where we operate. Thank you to our customers and clients who continue to place their trust in us over the past years. You are at the center of our business and our existence would not have been worthwhile without you. Your continued patronage spur the company to grow stronger, reach farther and serve better.
We extend our gratitude to our employees, whose dedication and hard work have produced the quality of service that has defined Alano & Sons, and to our management team whose collective expertise, commitment and drive has allowed ASCC to achieve significant milestones and to build a dynamic and resilient organization. Most of all, we also acknowledge our President Bienvenida T. Alano who has been a critical pillar for our success. Her belief in our abilities and her rich experiences that she has used to guide us out of our turbulent waters have not gone unnoticed. And to all our partners who have provided us support and services in diverse ways, we appreciate you. Thank you for being with us over the years despite the setbacks we have been through. As we look ahead, we know that there is still a great number of work to be done. We are committed to working with our cherished clients and partners collaboratively to achieve our dream of becoming the frontier in financing business and exemplar for financial services in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
Above all, we give thanks and glory to God for seeing us this far. Continue to soar high Alano & Sons!